Promotions & Offers
Best Package for You
Gummi bears cupcake gummies sesame snaps cheesecake
Winter Offer
25% off
Wafer brownie sweet wafer marshmallow bear claw caramels
Minimum stay 2 nights.
Early booking.
Breakfast included.
Free cancellation (see terms).
New Years free champagne.
Hiking tours with hosts.
Winter equipment.
Winter Offer
10% off
Carrot cake sugar plum pudding muffin toffee lollipop
Minimum stay 4 nights.
Early booking.
Breakfast included.
Free cancellation (see terms).
New Years free champagne.
Hiking tours with hosts.
Winter equipment.
Winter Offer
5% off
Gummi bears cupcake gummies sesame snaps cheesecake
Minimum stay 6 nights.
Early booking.
Breakfast included.
Free cancellation (see terms).
New Years free champagne.
Hiking tours with hosts.
Winter equipment.